Shielding glass & MRI shielding windows

Faraday Room: We guarantee full support for your applications standard and customized
The housing form with constructive attenuation characteristics to electromagnetic high frequency fields, will have to satisfy the fundamental requisite to present itself as a volume whose external surface, electrically conductive, sufficiently attenuate the electromagnetic waves coming from the outside.
The basic concept is the following: as volume is empty of fissure and is as ” equipotential ” as shielding effect will be excited.
To satisfy how above said, also the choice of shielding materials results determinant.
Faraday Room: Shielding glass
The fundamental elements to take in consideration are the followings:
1 – value electromagnetic field intensity to depress. 40 dB attenuation value can be considered enough to the creation of a healthy environment;
2 – situation (new or restored) in which we must operate. In restructuring, for example, it will be tried to avoid demolition work opting for covering solutions as tapestry, carpet etc.;
3 – cost evaluation.
In hospital environments pollution RF is always higher because of the use of an increasing number of equipment and devices for diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation (MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and their increasingly sophistication makes push a clear need to make use of highly technical materials for the construction of “Local Shielded” to ensure the proper functioning of the machines and the safety of patients and caregivers. To ensure eye contact between doctor and patient operator, with clear improvement of comfort of the latter, Ia GHIRINGHELLI is specialized in the production of highly transparent shielding materials such as glass, Plexiglas, PVC, polycarbonate.
Shielding glass & MRI shielding windows